Headway Themes - Wordpress Theme Framework

Headway Themes Price: $87 – $164  Headway Themes is an easy to use drag-and-drop Wordpress framework licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license. It is used for visual design of your wordpress website, with a fully customizable look and layout. The Visual Layout Editor can save your time even if you’re comfortable working with HTML, CSS, and PHP.

Main Features

  • Headway theme Configuration Panel makes it easy to customize just about everything from its admin.
  • The “Easy Hooks” feature makes it simple to insert custom content where you want on a page.
  • Theme has Built-in search engine optimization.
  • Drag-and-drop layout design in theme admin.
  • Complete visual design control.

Headway Themes includes a lot of features for both developers and designers, and can be customized even without coding knowledge. While it’s definitely among the more expensive premium frameworks out there, it’s also among the most fully-featured and user-friendly.

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