If you want to run a proper Foodie blog you have to be pretty tech savvy as well. The foodies today want to have easy links to everything you post and that means using the various widgets provided by WordPress for the max impact on your blog. By utilizing these various options you will make your blog as user friendly as possible and you will see your numbers increase for it. You may even find that restaurants and recipe sites are even more interested in you as you will be bringing in the business. Open Menu This is one of the most important widgets you can include. It allows you to put the menu of a restaurant right in your blog as well as the locations, specials and even coupons. When you are reviewing a dish or a restaurant the reader does not even have to leave your blog to get all the information they might need. Locu for Restaurant Menus Plugin Locu allows you to plug the coding into your site for all the restaurants you visit. This gives you the short code to transition your prices and people can see your price range and the amount they can expect to spend. It helps you rate the restaurants on your foodie blog by most affordable. Easy Nutrition Facts Label This plugin creates shortcode so you can create your own nutrition label for recipes that you post. Given how conscientious some people are about the ingredients in food or the calorie content, this is an excellent way to showcase the quality of the receipe and the total calorie count for those who are interested. ShopEat- Recipe to Grocery List This plugin is fantastic and fantastically smart. It creates a button on your foodie blog that you can insert next to any recipe. Once the button is pushed it saves and syncs the ingredients of the recipe to any smartphone and will create a grocery list for the reader. This makes it even more simple to use the data on your blog for cooking at any time. GetMeCooking Recipe Template GetMeCooking not only makes it easier to format recipes on your foodie blog but it helps to optimize the information you are providing. The recipe is simple to read and easy to find on a general search. Then the reader can print just the recipe not the entire post so as to conserve paper and make the recipe format properly during the printing. RecipePress The RecipePress widget is quite active and helps to get your readers involved. It allows for you to share and file recipes as well as for others to upload their own recipes. With the categories and tags you can easily keep up with everything that is coming in and it makes cross-referencing the food information quite simple. With these widgets you will watch your WordPress Foodie Blog come to life right before your eyes. The activity level will increase and the usability of your site will make it a preferred destination for people looking to gather information about food.