Top WordPress Safety Plug-Ins and Safety Tips to Improve Your WordPress Security

If you run a WordPress powered website, then there is nothing as indispensable as the security and safety of your website. Most WordPress blogs get compromised because the plug-ins, or the core files, are out-of-date, which makes them a piece of cake for hackers.

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For this reason, you need to install and update your plug-ins frequently. In this article, we give you the top WordPress safety plug-ins for your blog, and some valuable tips to assist you in securing your WordPress website. There are plenty of plug-ins out there, so remember to be careful about which one you download and install. The following are some of the essential and safety plug-ins that will be of great use.

Top WordPress Safety Plug-ins

AskAppache Password Protect - This plug-in helps to protect the WordPress directory management, encrypt WordPress files, and define HT access files.

WP DB Back-up - This is one of the best plug-ins for securing or backing up your database tables. With just a few clicks, you can back up your core files. This plug-in is very easy to install and use.

WP Security Scan - This plug-in helps to check the security of your website in terms of the database security, password, file permissions and the WordPress version of some of the hidden features.

User Locker - If you want to prevent brute force hacking of your site, then this is the perfect plug-in. Though somewhat similar to Login Lockdown in functionality, this plug-in is highly rated by WordPress users and is a must have.


Login Lockdown - With the login lockdown plug-in, you will be able to prevent or lock attempts for a given time period on logging on to your panel after a given number of failed attempts.

Antivirus - This plug-in will help to keep your WordPress blog secure from viruses, malwares, and bots. This is another popular plug-in with WordPress users.

Limit Login Attempts - This WordPress safety plug- in blocks an internet address from making any further login attempts after a given number of failed attempts. When the maximum number of retries is reached, the person is blocked, making it hard for a brute force attack to be successful.

Bad Behavior - This plug-in helps to protect your blog from spammers. This plug-in not only helps to limit the number of spam messages but it also helps limit access to your blog by spammers.

stop sign to keep secure

WordPress Plug-ins Safety Tips

The following tips will help you in securing your WordPress blog
  • Change your WordPress prefixes regularly. This makes it harder for hackers to predict your login information.
  • Hide login error messages. If these are not hidden, they can give hackers ideas about your username and password, making it easier for them to access your blog.
  • To add an extra layer of security, always protect the WordPress admin directory.
  • Keep backed up copies of your WordPress blog, just in case you lose some of your information.
  • To ensure that your blog is protected at all times, constantly update WordPress core files and plug-ins.
With the WordPress Safety Plug-ins and tips above, you should not have to worry about the safety of your blog or website, however, with hackers constantly changing their tactics, you also need to be flexible.
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